Ave Maria Press

Rebuilding Your Message

It doesn’t matter if you are staff, volunteer or parishioner at your local church.  It doesn’t matter if you are full time or part time, we all have a responsibility to communicate effectively.  The question you need to answer is, “Am I being effective?”

Courtesy of Ave Maria Press

The message matters and how you communicate it is just as important.  In their new book REBUILDING YOUR MESSAGE (Ave Maria 2015) coauthors Pastor Michael White and Tom Corcoran challenge us to look at the:


People are focused on more than your words.  If you aren’t bringing a level of humility or transparency they won’t trust you.  If you aren’t prepared or you look disheveled they might have a difficult time following.

Rebuilding Your Message reminds us that the person who communicates is just as important as the words being delivered.  If you aren’t a part of the message it won’t have the life it needs to thrive.


The message is more than just words.  Your building, sound systems and even your website send a message that can draw people in or turn them away.

This book challenges us to think about our environments, and programs.  If they aren’t intentionally designed to clearly bring people closer to the Gospel, they can up being a distraction.


It’s not just what you say, but how you say it.  And it’s not just about how you say it but how it’s presented. You can’t assume that people know everything.  You need to narrow the focus.  White and Corcoran remind us that delivery is engaging your audience.


Whether it’s a meeting or a talk your message can have a profound impact.  As a communicator you need to intentionally lead people to action.  This book talks about how to move people to act and live out the Gospel.

This book isn’t just for preachers and pastors.  It’s for all of us who communicate.  It reminds us of a few basic principles.  It challenges us to reexamine our process and preparation.  It’s designed to give you the tools you need to share a life changing message.

As a member of the staff at Church of the Nativity where Father White and Tom Corcoran lead I’ve learned firsthand the importance of these principles.  Because I believe these tools are essential I want to get this book into your hands.  And to help you out I’m giving away a few FREE COPIES TO SUBSCRIBERS.

If you want to get your hands on a copy of Rebuilding Your Message all you need to do is subscribe HERE.  If you are already a subscriber then you are already enrolled.  It’s that simple.  And then next week on Wednesday September 30th at Noon EST I’ll announce the winners live on Periscope.

Whether you win it’s important for all of us to think about what we are saying, how it’s being delivered and how more people can learn about the power of the Gospel.

[reminder]  How are you responsible for communicating in your church setting [/reminder]

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