Qualities of a Student Ministry

This weekend we are making a big push for people to be in ministry and I’m really looking forward to the results we see in first serve sign ups. I’m praying that we get the 30+ ministers in student ministry because it’s going to help us fill a lot of holes and take on some of the big vision we have in store. But what I’m most excited about is the potential relationships that the teens will be able to build with these God honoring, teen liking individuals. I want students to be connected to Christ because they were connected into an authentic and real relationship with Jesus Christ. So what qualifies a student minister?

  • God Honoring
  • Christ Follower
  • Teen Liking (Because you have to love everyone)
  • Authentic (You don’t have to know everything you just need to be who God created you to be)
  • Consistent (You are constantly making an effort to be a part of a teens life)

It’s pretty simple (the list) but leaves a lot open to who can serve. Student ministry doesn’t need cool, hip, young adults, it needs adults who care about teens meeting Christ. Student ministry is relational, it’s authentic, it’s consistent and it’s about creating a place and opportunity that’s irresistible to teens.

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