Prioritizing Procrastination

I was a procrastinator, I’ve been burned too many times to be a full time one.  I got burned big time in high school when we had to read William Faulkner’s Go Down Moses.  In home room before English class (the first one of the day), I borrowed my buddies cliff notes and read a little too far.  In class I revealed something only the cliff notes could reveal.  The teacher must of read the cliff notes because he called me out…embarrassing.  Okay, I still procrastinate here and there but I’m someone who loves being early, I enjoy the challenges of meeting deadlines and having a schedule is important to me.  When we keep deadlines and schedules, we are able to tackle the big and small things on our plate.  Recently my schedule has drastically changed, so I have the challenge of reorganizing my schedule, this helped me:
My professional coach told me to check out this video:

My 5 big professional rocks at this time are: Writing/Research, Connecting With Parents, Inviting Students, Program Development and Minister Recruitment.  What are your big rocks?

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