best practices youth ministry

Preparing for Fall: Essential Tips for a Balanced and Successful Ministry Season

As the bus pulled out of the Hershey Park parking lot, I let out a sigh of relief. Our middle school missions camp, Camp S*MILE, always marks the end of the summer season for us. Summer is always a busy season, and if you're not ready for it, it can exhaust you before fall programming even begins.

With schools starting up over the next few weeks, many of us are scrambling to ensure we have the right content, enough volunteers, and effective communication with the kids, teens, and others we shepherd. All of those things are important, but when it comes to getting ready for the fall, it's essential that you:


Don't wait until Christmas to take your first break. The year is a marathon, and it's important to look ahead and decide when you'll take a day off, give the ministry a break, and take a step back to analyze and evaluate. A ministry with a good pace has healthy leaders who aren't taking on more than they can handle.


You probably have some big-picture goals, but don't be afraid to create smaller ones that you can treat as milestones throughout the year. These goals could be number-based (e.g., registration), skill-based (e.g., learning a new language), or relationally based (e.g., developing a new leader to take on responsibility). No matter what the goal is, celebrate it when it happens and learn from it, regardless of the outcome.


Who are the people you want to get to know on a deeper level this fall? Maybe it's a student, a family, or a group of volunteers. Yes, you want to pour into everyone, but who can you personally invest in? Focusing on a few people will help you grow as a leader, improving your listening and communication skills.


Even if the program is starting next week, don't be afraid to sit down and think about how awesome your ministry can and will be. Whether it's creating a vision board, writing ideas on a whiteboard, or journaling your thoughts in a notebook, be sure to take the time to dream. Don't be afraid to share those ideas with people you know.

When you take the time to dream and craft your vision, you become a better communicator and will find it easier to invite people to serve and invest in what you're doing.

Don't fear the beginning of the school year; instead, embrace the journey ahead. Ministry will get a little messy, but if you remember to schedule those breaks, set some goals, invest in others, and dream, you'll discover the joy of doing God's work.

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