Obedience Towards Others

I gave myself some quiet time last night where I sat out in my screen porch and just read some of the bible. I decided to read the book of Daniel because I know I’ll be speaking about it in the future, I just wanted to get a sense of the story. The one thing that I found striking was everyone’s ability to respect both man made and Godly authority. Throughout the book we see Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach and Abendego stay true to God and their desire to be with him; yet, at the same time respect the kings who threw them into lion’s dens and fiery furnaces. They were unwilling to compromise their love for God, even at the expense of death.
I think we take for granted a lot of the religious freedom we have in this country; however, when it comes to compromising our relationship with God, I think we can find different examples. I know a value I would love for the students to learn here at Nativity is how to always remain obedient to God while being respectful and even obedient to others.

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