MYM Blog

Newspaper Prophets

Written by Christopher Wesley | Jul 13, 2010 1:27:00 PM

Last night I met with a couple of my key leaders.  Had them over for dinner for some pizza and then a little vision casting for the year.  There was something nice about having them in my home, sitting on the screen porch and just talking about highs and lows of the past year and how much we are looking forward to the year ahead.  I had them do an exercise I found in the Auxano Vision Deck called Newspaper Prophets.  I had to adapt it a little for our ministers; however, it basically goes likes this:

Newspaper Prophets
Predict news headlines based on what you dream God will do through the student ministry program.  What will be the most newsworthy happening?  How will your church be different?  How will God use your church to change your community?
Brainstorm a list of headlines you will read one year from now.  Brainstorm a list of headlines you will read three years from now.
This is what my team came up with:

One Year From Now:

  • The most exciting, fastest growing group at Nativity Increases by 100%
  • Youth Ministry Leaders Mentor Other Leaders In The Baltimore Area
  • Un-churched Youth Find Nativity A Welcoming Environment
Three Years From Now:
  • Nativity Celebrates Emergence of Dedicated Youth Space in Satellite Locations
  • Student Church at Nativity Reaches Capacity…Looking to Expand Facilities
  • Where Have All The Kids Gone…Nativity’s Upward Ministries
It was a fun exercise for me because it gave me a chance to see the leaders excitement and even a few of their dreams for what we are doing.  I think from time to time we need to make sure we are checking in with our ministers and seeing what they are dreaming when it comes about ministry.
What are you dreaming?