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It’s funny to think that around five years ago I should have been fired. It’s funny because I didn’t get fired, but I would have understood why. The reason for my questionable future was because I had cost the church $3200 on what was supposed to be a fundraiser…that’s right a fundraiser.
To make a long story short, I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t know how to promote an event this big, I didn’t know if I was overspending, getting overcharged by vendors, etc. What made it worse was I never told anyone I needed help (because I thought I could pull it off) and when it was all said and done I didn’t tell my pastor how badly it turned out. Let’s just say he wasn’t too pleased when he found out…from someone else.
I know $3200 isn’t that much to some, while to other’s it’s their entire budget. No matter who you are, we’ve all found ourselves in a situation where we’ve been in over our heads. Whether the situation was given to us or we thought it would be a great idea, if you don’t surround yourself with wise council and take the time to discern your decisions you’ll find yourself drowning. But what happens if we find ourselves in the middle of a bad situation? How do you get out of it?
Fortunately, I have a pastor full of grace and mercy. I’ll admit the experience scarred me, in order to plan any events I need the encouragement from others. But what made the situation bad was not asking for help and not admitting to my mistake sooner. Making mistakes can be costly in many ways, but the worst is that it can fill us with fears.
How do you recover from your mistakes and guarantee yourself that they won’t be made again? Please comment.