Courtesy of Orin Zebest/Creative Commons License |
Take about 30 seconds to write down as many of the spiritual habits you want to see your teens develop. After you compose that list look at what is on it? Did you have:
Memorizing Scripture
Quiet Time Prayer
Chances are you could have written more because you can never have too many. Each year we try to pass these habits onto our teens. We preach about them in our messages and hand out giveaways to remind them. We discuss and debate them in small groups; however, if you really want these habits to stick and to become a part of their lives you need to have them:
I’m not talking about taking notes, instead writing out a document that creates a picture of what type of Christian man or woman they want to be. Essentially you want them to write a vision statement followed by a list of values. Have them start with:
THE VISION STATEMENT – Make sure that their vision statement is:
After they tackle the vision have them flesh it out with:
THE VALUES – The values put meat on the vision; therefore:
If you want your teen to develop the habits of a disciple you need to help them cast a vision. In order to flesh that vision out, you need to help them develop specific values. With vision and values the disciplines you share with them have purpose. They begin to see why reading scripture and tithing are so important. They will begin to know why quiet time is essential in helping them be the type of Christian man or woman God wants them to be. If you want a sample of a vision and values statement, I’ve included the current draft of mine below.
How do you help teens develop a vision statement? How often do you work on your own?