MYM Blog

More Than Words: The YM Transfer Podcast Episode 19 w/ Lindsay Schlegel

Written by Christopher Wesley | Aug 27, 2020 6:17:06 AM

Every word we use matters. Whether you use them to cast vision, encourage a friend, or identify yourself, what you write or say makes a difference. In this episode of the YM Transfer, Chris and fellow author Lindsay Schlegel talk about the power of words, especially when it comes down to how we use them.  They also spend time talking about writing, parenting, and the power of God’s presence.

A little more about Lindsay…

Lindsay Schlegel is a daughter of God, wife, and mother who revels in the power of words. She is also a writer, editor, speaker, and host of the podcast Quote Me with Lindsay Schlegel. In all she does, she aims to encourage, inspire, and lift others up to be all they were created to be.

Lindsay is the author of Don’t Forget to Say Thank You: And Other Parenting Lessons That Brought Me Closer to GodShe writes for a variety of fiction and nonfiction publications online, in print, and via podcast, including Verily,, Radiant, Ever Eden, Ruah Storytellers, Aleteia, Natural Womanhood, the Blessed Is She blog and WINE.

Lindsay is married to the same boy she went to junior prom with (they met in high school youth group), and together they have five children on this earth and one saint awaiting them, God willing, in Heaven. When she’s not writing her stories or helping others tell theirs, she enjoys running, knitting, and reading to her children.

Connect with Lindsay at her website, on Instagram, or Facebook.