MYM Blog

Making The Transitions

Written by Christopher Wesley | Dec 24, 2012 12:30:00 PM

Hard to believe I’ll be celebrating my 9th Christmas Eve Mass at Church of the Nativity.  It’s amazing how time has flown by and even more incredible the change I’ve seen in my life over the years.  Personally, I’ve gone from being single to a husband and now father.  Professionally, I’ve gone from being a Director of Middle School Ministry to leader over the Family Ministry.  I’ve grown as a leader, the church has grown and again there has been so much change.

I would like to say I’ve handled all the changes in my life gracefully.  I would like to say I embraced God’s plan as mine were stripped away.  For any of us, change is hard; however, if you are going to survive the long haul of youth ministry you need to embrace change or else you’ll find yourself frustrated.  By making the transitions from year to year it enables you to reach more people.

As 2012 closes out and we change our calendars once again, I thought it would be fun to share with you some of my favorite posts regarding change.  They are:

  • Think And Invest Younger: In order to grow stronger in youth ministry you need to help future generations grow in the children’s ministry.
  • The Drive Home: It’s so easy to have work life dominate everything.  If you can’t make the transition from professional to personal you will hit several road blocks.

Transition and change can be difficult; however, with a plan and strategy you can use it to grow.  As we hit the end of the year and enter a new one Marathon Youth Ministry the blog will be making a little bit of a move.  It’s nothing serious; however, as promised I’m making the move from Blogger to WordPress.  It will still be the same great content; however, I feel this transition will enable me to serve you the youth worker better in the future.

If you check on this blog between Christmas and New Years, do not be alarmed if you see a “COMING SOON” sign.  It just means I’m working out the final kinks.  Anyway, my hopes is that your Christmas is peaceful and your New Year starts on a positive note.

What are examples of successul and unsuccessful transitions you’ve made in life?