
Make Your Ministry Engaging

Before I was a youth minister I was a case manager at a clinic in the city.  It was a cool gig, the only downside was my office.  There were no windows and it always seemed like the heat was on in the summer and the air was pumping in the winter.  Because of this lousy work environment it was difficult to focus on file, listen to clients and just think.

Environments matter and when it comes to your youth ministry you want to be sure you have one that’s irresistible and engaging.  While they are not everything to a student’s faith development, they do have a large impact on their spiritual growth.  If an environment isn’t appropriate you’ll be sure to turn away a few people.  So to keep the atmosphere chill, alive or engaging you need to keep in check these three components of your environments:

  • Cleanliness – A dirty youth space is going to be a distraction because teens will wonder, “What’s that smell?” and “Is that a Raisinet or a bug moving across the room?”  This is a value you and your volunteers need to embrace. So before the teens come, get the vacuum out and after they leave do your best to put things back in their place.
  • Furniture – With furniture you can create a space that doesn’t exist.  In our student ministry we have our couches set up in a circle to create an intimate theater.  You might want to set up chairs and tables to create a coffee house feel.  Think of a place you know students would be engaged and comfortable and try to replicate it.  Granted your finances might limit what you aim for; therefore, think outside the box.  For the future make it a priority in your budget.  In the end the most important part of your furniture is that it is in good shape, so take care of it.
  • Atmosphere – Before you invest in quality audio and visual equipment consider simple changes.  When it comes to lighting make sure the lightbulbs are new and the right wattage.  Find space that is not susceptible to outside noise.  Is the heat and air conditioning working properly?  Basic changes and needs are easy fixes and should come before you upgrade your equipment.

It’s easy not to think about your environment because they are expensive.  While you might not have the budget to buy quality equipment you can work with what you have.  Be a good steward, work within your limits and be sure to take care of what you can control.

What are some other keys to engaging environments?  What obstacles do you face in creating an irresistible one?

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