The first message I ever gave felt like a home run; however, it’s a little embarrassing when I reread it. I had no point, I went on and on and on and on. It was a wonder that I was allowed to speak the next week. My problem was lack of experience and taking a lot of things for granted. I assumed that speaking to teenagers was easy. I thought I knew my subject. I did not see the message as one of the most important aspects of my job.
Whether you call it a talk, a message or a speech, speaking to teenagers is very important. It’s a way of casting vision and motivating teenagers to embrace their faith journey. Your message tells a story and helps shape their perspective on how to approach life. That’s why it should be:
- A Journey: Your message becomes a journey by taking a subject and breaking it down over a few weeks. In other words create a message series, where you take a theme (i.e. Sex and Dating) and unfold different principles and approach it from different angles. This allows you plenty of time to dive deeper into heavier and more controversial subjects.
- Contextually Diversified: You need to make sure your central point is clear. This is done by filling your message with examples or analogies that are relevant. If you are using story make sure it’s one they can connect to. Utilizing technology can hit them in different ways; however, make sure you don’t go overboard. Make sure you drive the point home.
- Personal: Most teen’s walking into your ministry will be asking the question, “Why should I care?” Even if the subject isn’t specific to you the want to know it’s important. Share your struggles, your story and why the topic or theme should matter to them. If you struggle to speak on a certain subject find someone who can. Authenticity will go a long way.
- Vision Driven: Every message you deliver is a chance to spread God’s word. No matter the topic make sure you are encouraging teens to be advocates. What you are sharing isn’t a secret, it’s truth and your students should be seen as local missionaries that you are embarking into the world. Give them a vision of what will happen if God’s word is applied to their lives, and encourage them to run with it.
Delivering and developing a message is an opportunity to mobilize the next generation. It’s a chance to make your ministry more than just a program. Spend time on developing messages that speak to student’s and push them closer to Christ.
What characteristics are essential in a message?