I have this little copper pipe in my office to help me think about what flows through me. In life we are influenced by a lot and while we can’t always control what goes in us, we can control what comes out of us. And like any good water system we need something that is going to purify what flows through us.
Last night we held Eucharistic Adoration for the 7th/8th graders (we did the same Thurs with the high school students). First, I have to tell you how proud I am of them, they were quiet and still for a total of 20 minutes. For me…it wasn’t so easy, I have to say I was so concerned with whether or not the students would be still that I didn’t get to fully embrace the moment. So when the night was over, I asked the ministers to escort the students to the front to be picked up and I spent a few minutes by myself with the blessed sacrament. It was hard, I wasn’t a fan of what was flowing through me, but in the end I was at peace because I knew God was in control and working in me.
In this past Sunday’s Gospel (Luke 3:1-6) John the Baptist tells us to prepare the way, to make paths straight for Christ. Easier said then done. But it all begins with the question, “What’s flowing through me?”….”How am I feeling?” I don’t think we tend to ask ourselves that question enough, but before we can fix something, before we can address an issue, we need to be able to identify it.
This Christmas season, a lot of issues arise, a lot of emotion, a lot of feelings that we try to suppress because we are supposed to be jolly. My challenge to us all is not to suppress those feelings, but ask, “What’s flowing through me?” Once you ask that question, then invite Christ in to work in you and through. It can be done with a simple prayer, “Come Lord Jesus.” or done by sitting in silence with your mind on the Lord.