
How To Keep This Year’s Ministry Resolutions

This is the year.  This is the year that you are going to be more present in the community.  This is the year when you are going to balance your budget.  This is the year you are going to double…no, triple your youth ministry’s attendance.  “THIS IS THE YEAR!” Is your mantra, it’s the beat of your drum and that’s where it stays.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said, “THIS IS THE YEAR!” I thought I had set good goals.  I believed that I was ready to make the changes and then something would happen.  I lost motivation and ambition; therefore, little changed.  The problem we have when it comes to resolutions is that we:


And that’s because our dreams hit reality.  I’m not saying you shouldn’t dream, instead recognize that youth ministry:

  • Is A Journey
  • Gets Messy
  • Takes Commitment
  • Comes With Sacrifice 

Once you realize the complexity of your calling it’ll become clearer that there will be times when it’s really hard.  If you want to continue in youth ministry for the long haul you not only have to recognize the complexity of it, but know that you:

  • Should Never Go At It Alone: This year commit to networking with other youth ministers.  Does not matter if it’s in or outside your denomination.  Find men and women who love what they do, and have them pour into you.  When you recognize the camaraderie, you’ll build strength to move forward.
  • Will Not Be Able To Do Everything: Even if it’s one thing, try to let go of it this year.  One of the keys to longevity is knowing how to delegate.  When you share the burden you give yourself emotional, spiritual, and physical margin.
  • Are Valued Greatly: There will be moments when you just feel like crap.  That’s when you want to quit or grow jealous of the other guy down the road.  Know that God has called you to this moment and given you what you need to succeed.  Give thanks for the opportunity by owning it.  Live this year like you know it’s going to be the best one ever.
  • Will Bare Fruit: One of the reasons we push for things like high attendance is because it can serve as instant gratification.  The truth is you might not see all the fruit your ministry will bare.  Have faith that God is working when you are not.  Do not make this year about you because you might find yourself more disappointed.  Instead of seeing the long term effects of your ministry you’ll be stuck in short term disappointment.

Now, that you have your resolutions, begin working on them.  Continue to improve yourself and set goals.  Dream big this year and remember you are in youth ministry for a reason.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions?  How do you hope to keep them?

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