MYM Blog

Introducing The Church Podcast

Written by Christopher Wesley | Oct 25, 2017 7:30:13 AM

It’s hard to change a culture when you are in midst of ministry. No matter how hard you try nothing seems to work. When this happens it’s usually because we’re too much in the weeds.

I know when I’ve felt this way it’s because I’m doing too much. Instead of working harder I need to take a step back, reconnect with God and think bigger. That’s why I’m happy to introduce  THE CHURCH PODCAST.

The Church Podcast is a brand new podcast that my friend and fellow church strategist John Rinaldo have created. It’s our chance to help those of you in the trenches of parish ministry take a step back and recalibrate.

Both John and I have learned so much throughout the years and we want to share it with you. The Church Podcast is our chance to help you:


Not only will you receive an outside perspective but you’ll get it from two guys in different parts of the country with totally different experiences.

With over 30 years of combined ministry experience we bring in both parish, diocesan and outside ministry perspectives. While John and I agree on many things there are also topics we don’t see eye to eye.

Basically, we want to not only challenge the conventional thinking, but create new conversations around the areas of ministry that can sometimes drive us crazy.


John and I are both currently in the trenches of ministry. I’m the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry at St. Joseph Parish in Cockeysville, Maryland and John is the Business Manager at St. Catherine of Alexandria in Morgan Hill, California.

We feel your pain and joy because we’re living it day to day. We know what it’s like to face obstacles, deal with coworkers, manage volunteers and embrace a life of ministry.


This podcast is more than just talking shop it’s about discovering best practices and helping parishes grow. That means asking plenty of questions and digging deep for the answers.

If you have questions for the podcast you can send them our way. Find us on social media or visit The Church Podcast page HERE.

So, mark your calendars for Tuesday October 31st as we launch our first show. There are a few already in the can but if you have comments and questions we encourage you to send them our way.

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