I Forgot my Twitter Password

I hate when I forget a password for something I need. Right now I wish I were twittering, and using my phone wouldn’t be appropriate. One thing that I’ve been working on lately is memorizing scripture and I know we are encouraging this as a church and that’s why we are repeating key scripture verses during the messages.
It has been really encouraging at the Ascent (5th/6th grade) program to hear a student recite two scripture verses Father White has been using throughout the series. In Uprising and Resurrection we’ve repeated some key verses and I know in the children programs they’ve been working on Ephesians 6:11.
It’s so important to memorize scripture because it allows us to fight the evil in our lives. If you do not know where to start memorize, go with Psalms or Proverbs. If you want to go with something bigger check out John 15.
I’ve been using twitter for students, each week I send out a verse of scripture so that they can start memorizing. Twitter is a new thing but I’m hoping it’ll catch on in the ministry world.

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