MYM Blog

How To Survive The Craziness Of Christmas

Written by MYMU Admin | Dec 4, 2015 7:30:15 AM

Christmas started the day Halloween was over (Maybe even earlier), but now that Thanksgiving has gone and passed the pressure to get everything done before the big day can be exhausting.

Maybe your ministry is planning a big party, a winter retreat in the New Year or your regular program is just competing with everything else.  No matter where you are it’s easy to get caught up in the sprint this time of year brings.  To not only survive but thrive this season remember:


The faster you go the more confident you need to be with where you are going.  Whether your schedule is overloaded or completely empty it’s good to know what you are doing with your time.

At the beginning of each day write out what you have to attend, where you need to go and what needs to be accomplished.  In the end it might look crazy, but you’ll at least have clarity.


You might be at maximum capacity, but there are people who can still assist you.  Reach out to them, go over your to-do’s and ask them to take it on.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help, it will only make you stronger.


Advent and Christmas are important seasons in our ministry, but they are temporary.  Don’t be afraid to give it your all now as long as you give yourself time to recover afterwards.

Plan for some time off to just disconnect and allow yourself to recoup.  Don’t let it be an afterthought, schedule it now and protect it.  That time to recover will be worth it.


Clutter in your schedule and even in your environments will add to the craziness.  Even if it’s a few minutes here or there take the time to:

  • Empty out your inbox
  • Clean your office space
  • Cancel unnecessary obligations
  • Get more sleep and less screen time

It might seem impossible, but any bit you can do is worth it.  The more margin you have the more room you’ll have to breathe.


Remember you are not the only person going crazy.  Others around you will drop the ball and be a little tense in their interactions.  Instead of giving them a hard time try to just let it go.

If you add to the conflict you could make a temporary situation into a deep seeded scar.  If you are unsure seek someone out to give you insight and the proper direction you’ll need.

Don’t let this season wipe you out completely.  Enjoy it by setting yourself up for success and showing the love that comes with it.  You’ll not only survive but come out stronger.

[reminder]  How do you prepare for the craziness that comes with this season? [/reminder]