How To Recover From A Long Night

Thursday and Sundays are extremely long days followed by long nights for me.  We have student programs for our teens on both those nights.  Thursday nights we gather high school students for worship and fellowship.  Sunday is naturally busy with 4 Mass times (Which I assist with) followed by two middle school programs to cap off the day.  When it’s time to go home, all I’m looking for is a little recovery.

Ministry can be emotionally, spiritually and physically draining.  It’s essential to take care of yourself if this is something you want to do for the long haul.  Just like an athlete you need to be conditioned and one of the best ways to stay that way is with how you wind down after a long day.  Recovery is important to your health as a youth minister.  While you might not have an ice bath, sauna or personal masseuse, you might want to try these tips so that you know how to recover from a long night of ministry:

TIP #1: REFLECT ON YOUR THOUGHTS – Ministry is emotionally and spiritually draining.  You might have had a deep conversation in your small group.  A parent might have chewed you out.  Something could have happened that has messed with your mind.  Instead of trying to forget it, process it by writing your thoughts, or sharing them with a loved one.  By externalizing your thoughts you offer the feelings up to God.  Any frustration, anger or disappointment can be handed over to Him.

TIP #2: DO SOMETHING YOU LOVE – Sometimes after a long night I’ll cook something in the kitchen.  Not because I’m hungry; but, because I want to do something I enjoy.  When you do something you love it allows you to burn off any energy or anxiety that’s been stored up from the day.  Whether it’s working out, knitting a scarf or working on that model train set, do something that has an end result that will bring you satisfaction.  Basically end your day on a high note.

TIP #3: REST UP It’s easy to over look the physical exhaustion from ministry.  Being on your feet and keeping up with the energy of teens will tire you out.  If you can go to bed as soon as you get home; or, try to sleep in and relax the next day.  This I struggle with the most because I’m wired after a night of ministry; however, I know I’m most productive when I get my sleep.

Above all else have a plan or routine.  Tell people about it and have them hold you accountable.  The more you can focus on recovery, the more prepared you will be for the long haul of youth ministry.

What do you do to recover from a long day of ministry?


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