MYM Blog

How To Move From Urgent To Important

Written by Christopher Wesley | May 21, 2020 5:00:31 AM

As I left the office that afternoon, I texted my wife, “It looks like everything is closing down.” It was the Friday before quarantine began in Maryland, our staff had just met to figure out how we were going to respond. That was the theme for the next few weeks, RESPOND. That’s what we all wanted to know, How are we going to respond to this growing pandemic?” 

When nothing feels normal, it’s easy to get restless. Restlessness is dangerous because it can lead to a sense of urgency. When people focus on the urgent, they make quick decisions and lose sight of what matters most. While a lot of people are focused on opening up, I’m wondering if there is a more significant discussion that needs to be had. The only way to know is by answering the question,What’s the most important thing we should be doing?”

If you are not sure, please know that you are not alone. At the same time, you can figure it out by:


Why does your youth ministry exist? It’s easy to lose sight of the big question when chaos erupts. It’s natural to react and make quick decisions when there is a lot of uncertainty; however, it’s essential to stay focused on what matters most. As you settle into a routine, even if it’s temporary, it’s essential to look at the question, “Why does our ministry exist?” and then answer the follow up:

What do we need to do in the next six months to make sure we’re working towards that vision?

It’s important to set a date, give yourself time to do the research, and put in the work to fulfill that goal. Make sure your pursuing clarity because with it comes momentum. When you know the “WHY,” it will slow down the sense of urgency, which will allow you to make the best decisions possible.


The reason we get stuck putting out fires is that we are disorganized in how we manage our time, money, and energy. If you want to do effective pastoral ministry, it’s essential to address the organizational side of your ministry. Before you move forward with planning, take some time to look at your schedule and when you have meetings. Take a look at your office space (especially if it’s remote) and your desktop to create some order. When we work out of a mess, it’s easy to lose sight of what matters most.

If you need assistance with the organizational side of ministry, try adopting a tool like a planner (I recommend the Monk Manual). If you have someone in your life that is highly organized, take time to pick their brain and ask for assistance. It’s challenging to be an effective leader when everything around you is a mess.


It’s not easy to go from a state of urgency to focus on what matters most. It’s a huge burden to get everything in order. As you begin to revisit what matters most rally people, you trust to share the responsibility. Ask them to listen to your ideas and share insight. Ask them to do simple things from shoot an email or inquire about a resource. One of the ways we can battle the urgent is by having a team around us to take care of those tasks and people that matter most.

Again, it’s not easy to make the switch, but you can’t afford to react to the chaos around you continually. The most important step you can take to go from urgent to important is slow down. When you slow down, it is easier to make decisions that won’t freak out the people around you, and you’ll be more in tune with what God is asking you to do.

What is that one thing that keeps distracting you from what is most important? 

If you need assistance reorganizing your thoughts or putting together a plan, we offer coaching and consulting. Click HERE to know your options.