action list

How To Jump Back In After Being Away

Everyone loves vacation, but jumping back into the office afterwards is another story.  All that waits are feelings of dread.  But, that doesn’t have to be the case.

Jumping back in doesn’t have to be painful.  Instead of worrying about what awaits, approach it with a plan.  To make sure you jump in right be sure to:


I know that sounds simple, but it’s important.  The first week back is going to feel like a grind so make sure you are rested and ready to plow through some of the piles.

Set your alarm, get up with plenty of margin, grab your java and go.  When you are well rested you will be ready to hit the ground running.


Margin is so important.  After all it is going to take a day or two to get back into routine.  Do not over schedule yourself.  You will only find yourself looking for that next vacation.

Ease yourself in and do only what has to be done.  If possible reschedule certain meetings, and pushback a few deadlines.  You want to set yourself up for success.


Make time to see how people are doing.  Check-in with them to catch up on changes, and other situations that happened while you were gone.

Checking in with the team will get you on the same page.  It will fill in any voids and help you prepare for any surprises that might come your way.


After you’ve reviewed voicemails, emails and checked in with your team you’ll want to start prioritizing your duties.  That means creating a list that will help you focus on what’s most important.  Your action list will help you reprioritize and build any momentum that has been lost while you were gone.


If you’ve been away for a significant amount of time you’ll have a fresh perspective walking into the office.  How you feel about certain tasks, programs and even people will change.

Find someone you trust to sit down and digest your fresh perspective.  Make sure you give yourself ample time and energy to reflect on your time away.

Coming back from vacation does not have to be overwhelming.  Develop a plan so you can use your new found energy to hit the ground running.

[reminder]  What’s the first thing you do when you get back from vacation? [/reminder]

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