This has been one of the most challenging seasons of ministry, which requires a deeper commitment from the people who are a part of it. But, how do you ask your volunteers to do more when the world is spinning out of control? It requires a change in focus.
While many of us are concerned about teens’ programming, we need to recognize that we won’t figure that out on our own. You need your team; therefore, you have to increase their commitment to serve. But, before you ask them to step up, you need to:
While our volunteers want to serve the ministry, it’s important we not only ask them, “What can you do for me?” but, “What can I do for you?” Your team members have gifts and talents that need to be unleashed. They have personal lives that require pastoral care. One of the best things a leader can do for their team is to care for them.
It would help if you spent time getting to know your team members. If they hit a rough spot (e.g., marital issues, death in the family, job loss, etc.), it’s okay to reach out and walk with them. You don’t have to be everyone’s best friend, and you’ll connect with different leaders at a variety of levels, and that’s okay. It’s about the effort you make to let your team know that you care about what is happening in their lives.
How well do your volunteers know one another? One of the reasons we find our adults socializing with one another when we want them mentoring teens is because they are craving social interaction. Build up the community amongst your team by arranging times they can gather, socialize, and pray.
We try to meet every other month to check-in, but I know that isn’t enough. Recently I have had a few volunteers come to me with some ideas for projects. That’s when I encourage that leader to reach out to the rest of the team to see if anyone wants to partner up. Not only does it give me some capacity, but it creates an opportunity for team members to work together at a different level.
A stronger community creates more enthusiasm, which is also an attractive recruiting tool for new volunteers. People will see a benefit from being a part of the team because it’s filled with others who can care for them.
Many of us jump into ministry with little to no management or leadership experience. When it comes to topics like brainstorming, conflict management, and delegation, we struggle. As a leader, you have to make sure you are growing too. Reading books, attending conferences, and finding a ministry coach is essential. The stronger your leadership, the more attractive it will be to serve on your team. People want a leader with integrity and vision. Those are two areas that need investment.
If you aren’t sure where to start, check out the list below, leadership books, and podcasts. But, if you are looking for something more, check out MYM U. When you enroll, we plug you into a cohort with a ministry coach who will help you learn essential leadership best practices. To learn more, click HERE.
One of the crucial keys to creating a healthy ministry is having a healthy team. Invest in your team, their community, their faith, and your own leadership. Right now, it’s difficult to minister to teens and their families; take on the challenge by boosting your volunteer commitment.