
How To Handle A Hectic Schedule

There are weeks where I have to seriously think hard about what I’ve accomplished.  It’s almost like I walk into the office on Monday and all of a sudden I’m in meeting, answering phone calls and working hard to only feel like I barely survived.

If you aren’t careful it’s easy to work more hours and accomplish nothing.  It’s a trap that everyone inside and outside of ministry faces.  To get out of the rut of DOING and move towards SUCCEEDING.  You need to make sure you:


It’s easy to react to the urgent and not focus on the important.  Your day is going to be filled with:

  • I need your help on this…
  • I need an answer now.
  • We need to get the team together right away.

And what to say, “Yes” to and “No” to can get overwhelming.  If you set clear goals that work towards a compelling vision you’ll be able to discern more clearly on what needs to get done and what can wait.


There is so much going on around you and it can get overwhelming.  Find a space and a time where you regularly hide from those distractions.  That means:

  • Turning off your phone (or at least silencing it).
  • Changing your environment.
  • Communicating with your pastor that you need help protecting this time.

Make it a habit and put it into your schedule.  While you can’t avoid all distractions you need to find time where you can just focus.


If you have too much going on or on your plate you need help to remove it.  You might tell yourself that you can do it on your own, but that’s how you got there in the first place.

Finding a coach or an accountability partner will help you sort out what is necessary, what should be delegated and what can be adjusted.  The reason it’s difficult for us to get things off our own plate is because we are emotionally tied to it is some way.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help.


One of the reasons we get overwhelmed with our work life is because we’ve lost track of our spiritual, physical, or even emotional health.  As a leader you need to make sure that you are:

  • Eating right.
  • Getting an adequate amount of sleep.
  • Working on your relationships with God.
  • Investing in your family and friendships.

If those areas are suffering or neglected it will impact your productivity.  Make them a priority and again if you struggle with that find someone to assist you.

Ministry is tough, but it’s not meant to ruin your life or kill you.  It’s something to enjoy because God has called you into it.  Instead of stressing and letting it get out of control, take some time to seek guidance, and put together a plan.  You can do it and it’s totally worth it.

[reminder]  How do you maintain balance in ministry to avoid burnout? [/reminder]

To help you balance your schedule, build margin and save time I’m giving away a free copy of my resource TIME Savers to all those who subscribe to christopherwesley.org.  This is only available for a limited time so don’t miss out.

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