How To Give Students A Good First Impression

The new teens walking into your ministry are looking to make a good first impression. They want to fit in and know they matter.  They are also wondering, “Is this going to be worth my time?”

The answer to their question is going to be impacted by their first impression of you.  And the challenge is that you only get one shot.  Most times you can’t afford to mess it up.  In order to create a good first impression you need to:


Break down any tension by creating a culture where teens are welcomed as they walk in.  It’s a simple as putting someone by the front door to greet them.

Make sure that person is friendly.  Have that person ask, “Is this your first time with us?”  Gather contact info and give them a little orientation on what to do.  It will put their mind at ease.


You definitely want teens to feel special when they come for the first time.  Don’t over do it by making a fuss over them.  Spend time getting to know them and introduce them to others and then give them space.  They will need time to acclimate.


A new teen might come because they are meeting a friend, but you can’t take that risk.  Introduce them to others so they can immediately feel connected.  If possible prepare certain teens or adults ahead of time.

Let them know what they should tell the new teen.  Have them serve as a host.  And encourage your hosts to even follow up if possible.


When you follow up with a teen you not only gain feedback, but you communicate, “We were so glad that you came.”  Even if they cannot return you will leave a positive impression.

A follow up can be in the form of an email, a card; however, the most personal form is a phone call.  Connect with the teens, and try if possible to connect with the parents.


You might read this and think, “Chris, we NEVER get new kids.” And while you might not get a lot of new teens walking into your ministry one day you will.  That means making sure:

  • You are prepared for the program.
  • The space you are in is clean and organized.
  • You are ready to collect information.

When you are prepared you won’t worry about what to do when that new teen walks in.

First impressions matter.  Make them count by preparing for them.  Be authentic and open so you can build a positive culture.  Teens will talk about how they felt welcomed to their peers and be more likely to bring them next time.

[reminder]  What are you doing to make a good first impression? [/reminder]


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