If I see one more sugar cookie, I’m going to feel sick. While it’s fun to indulge during the holidays, it can also be a little dangerous. Sleeping in, catching up on Netflix, and eating all the holiday treats is fun for a while, but eventually, it’s time for us to get back to work, and if we have too much fun away, it can feel like we have to start all over again.
If you’ve cut loose during the holidays and are dreading heading back into the office, you are not alone. Knocking off the rust and building back momentum can feel impossible. While I could write about what you should have done before putting up your email away message (If you remembered to do that), let’s look at what you can do to get back in the groove without losing it. Start with:
I know that isn’t comforting, but like every detox, the transition is going to be rough. The part I fear the most is looking at my email inbox. There is a part of me that prays everyone else’s holiday is so consuming that they didn’t have time to email me. What gives you anxiety? Is it the forms on your desk, an event on the calendar, or voicemails that need your attention?
Before you get your day started, or before you go any further, set a timer for 10 minutes of prayer. Ask God for guidance, peace, and a whole lot of grace. We need to remind ourselves that we are not alone in this journey. We also have to remember that when we take a break from the ministry, it takes time to get it going again. Rely on the Lord and allow His grace to pull you through the busy work that gets you back on track.
When you see a big pile of to-do’s, it can feel like an impossible feat. The tendency is to panic and start tackling the issue, but the best path is to slow down and answer the question:
What are the three to five most important tasks that need my attention?
Chances are, it’s not emptying your inbox, although it’s tempting. Make a note and write out the three to five items or projects you need to address in the next couple of days. Once you identify those priorities, you should be able to adjust your schedule so that you can be as productive as possible. Leave the smaller tasks to another time.
When you take a break, it’s important to touch base with team members as soon as you get back to the office. Chances are your team has been enjoying the break too. Even if there isn’t anything urgent that needs to get done, it’s important to check-in and let them know what is coming up. It gives them the ability to prioritize their schedules and get back to their routines. I like to send out a plan with the next 30 days of events followed by two or three things they can do to get back in the flow. Set your team up for success by making sure they don’t feel disconnected after the break.
One of the reasons we love the break is because it’s a much-needed reward after a season of hard work. To ease the pain of going back set a simple goal like:
After you’ve nailed that goal, treat yourself to lunch, a fancy coffee drink, or an impulse buy on Amazon. Make that first week back fun by putting in something positive.
Knocking off the dust and getting back into a routine doesn’t have to be grueling. Make sure you have a plan, and remember God will guide you through. And next time you get ready for a break to make sure you put things in place so that stepping back into your office doesn’t feel like the end of the world.
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