How To Get Rid Of Your Biggest Roadblock To Success

People love a confident leader.  It shows them someone who knows where they are going.  The problem is when the confidence turns into arrogance.  An arrogant leader will lose sight of what’s most important and is difficult to follow.

One of the biggest obstacles to leading others is our pride.  It can make you feel owed, and entitled.  Worst, it can prevent you from doing what God is asking you to do.  In the end it’s important to embrace humility and adjust the focus.

To embrace humility you need to PRAY, PRACTICE and MODEL THOSE WHO ARE ALREADY  HUMBLE.  To reach that point:


When you are overwhelmed, and tired it’s easy to get self-centered.  The response to feeling worn out is seeking comfort.  The only person that can find you true peace is God.

As a leader you need to schedule regular prayer.  That means writing down a time in your schedule and noting what that prayer time looks like.  The more specific the plan the more success you’ll have in building the habit.


Find people who will pray with you and for you.  Whether it’s a small group or a few close friends find people who will encourage you to connect with God.  They will remind you to remain humble and to look to God.


Humility is inspiring and sometimes we need others to show us how to tweak the focus from ourselves to God.  Find leaders who exemplify humility.  Write down quotes that are memorable.  Make sure you are continuously seeking humility in others and then modeling it.


To build humility in your life you need to work at it.  One of the best ways to increase your humility is through serving others.

Look for areas to serve in your community.  Set a goal to serve someone different each week.  The more you make this a habit the more it will impact other areas of your life.

The more you model humility, practice serving others and connecting with God the less you’ll feel like you have to prove something.  After all it’s not about you, it’s about glorifying Him.

[Tweet “To embrace humility you need to PRAY, PRACTICE and MODEL THOSE WHO ARE ALREADY HUMBLE. #humbleleadership”] [reminder]  Who is someone you see as humble and worth following? [/reminder]



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