MYM Blog

How To Get Ready For Fall Ministry

Written by Christopher Wesley | Jul 27, 2023 12:00:00 PM

In a few days, all of our camps will come to an end. Part of me looks forward to a break from the grind that summer ministry brings. The erratic schedule and long days can be a little much, but what lies ahead this fall can be even more overwhelming. 

While summer is a grind, the scholastic year is a regiment that can wear you out if you don't prepare properly. When I first started in ministry this time of year would bring me anxiety, because I was focused on everything that had to get done. Over the years I've learned that this time of year isn't for worrying about content, but for focusing on making a plan and:

Prioritizing Time for Leadership Formation

Just like fueling during a long-distance race, preparing for ministry requires a plan. Rather than worrying about the content, this is the time to focus on personal growth and leadership development. Plot out retreats, workshops, and conferences that will help you grow spiritually, intellectually, and pastorally. Seek out a spiritual director or mentor if you haven't already. Don't forget to plan some time away for yourself, whether it's a trip or a staycation. Investing in your well-being is crucial.

Creating Check-Ins with the Team

In addition to personal growth, consider your team's development. Plan trainings and check-ins that go beyond just reviewing the curriculum. These gatherings can focus on prayer, socialization, and learning about the craft of ministry. Set dates well in advance to give your team plenty of notice. Utilize resources like MYM Premium Newsletter to support their growth consistently, learn more HERE.

Focusing on Relationship Building

Building meaningful relationships is at the heart of growing disciples. Take time to connect with parents, volunteers, and the rest of the congregation. Step out from behind your desk and interact with people personally. Call instead of emailing, and consider inviting others out for a meal to get to know them better. Investing in relationships shows people that they are valued, which will help recruit new leaders and build a strong support system for your ministry.

Crafting the Communication Strategy

Communicate your ministry's purpose and mission clearly to create momentum and growth. Utilize various platforms, such as speaking in front of the congregation, different ministries, and leadership groups, to highlight stories of life change and important initiatives. Encourage others to interact with your ministry by serving, donating, or participating in fundraisers.

Remember, these four areas should be ongoing priorities throughout the year. As fall programming approaches, it's an excellent time to re-focus on these aspects. Instead of getting lost in the busyness of ministry, work smartly and prioritize self-care, team development, the mission field, and the vision that God has given you. By taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture, you'll gain clarity on the path God wants you to take. Embrace this season with preparedness, and you'll be better equipped to handle the challenges and embrace the opportunities that come your way.