I’ve spoken to a few youth ministers and they tell me that the #1 biggest obstacle they face when it comes to healthy living is time.
Every one of us has 24 hours in the day – so it’s up to us to decide how we use that time. If you want to be healthy, you need to start by carving out time in your day to be healthy, so here are a few tips to help:
I’m going to paraphrase Jesus and say, “Where you spend your time, there your heart will also be.” (Luke 12:32-34) The tops priorities for youth workers should be: God, family, and health.
Making time for your health is SIMPLE, but it’s not always easy. Flexibility is important, and being patience with yourself is key. Lastly, when you begin prioritizing your health, make sure you let others around you know so they can encourage you and help you out!
If you’re looking for a healthy community, I want to invite you to join our private Facebook group so find me there and i’ll connect you!
[reminder] Do you think healthy living has an impact on your ministry? [/reminder] [guestpost]Tom is a husband, father, church tech ninja and regular contributor on MYM. His mission is to inspire healthy living within the church world, especially for church leaders. He believes healthy living begins with ‘One Simple Change’ at a time. For more information about his one simple change project visit: myosc.net/church [/guestpost]