How To Find Committed Small Group Leaders

Life change happens in small groups.  But, small groups only work if you can find the right people.  People who will commit for the long haul.  It can almost feel impossible.

Youth ministers want to know the trick to finding committed small group leaders.  The reality is that there is no trick. It’s really just a few practical steps.  To find the right leaders you need to take initiative by:


The number one place to find potential volunteers is on the weekend in between Mass.  Stand by the door greet people and get to know them by name.  Learn their story and discover the amazing people in your church.

Over time you’ll begin to see who has potential as a small group leader.  When you ask them to get involved you’ll be able to point to examples as to why you think they would make a great leader.


Your vision is such an important tool when it comes to recruiting small group leaders.  It tells the story of life change and can compel people to sign up without being asked.

Get to know your vision and find places to share it.  Talk to your pastor or parish council president to give you an opportunity to share the vision.  When you share the vision you give people a reason as to why they should get involved.


Your realm of influence is limited.  As a leader you have a burden to grow your ministry, but that burden should be shared.  Ask your current leaders to help you recruit future ones.

Give them the characteristics and qualities you are looking for in a small group leader.  Praise them when they find someone.  Make it a part of the culture.


God lead you to where you are serving, why can’t He do the same for your volunteers?  Spend time asking God to send you the right people.  Be specific in number, qualities and characteristics.

Ask God to give you the opportunities to meet people, have a conversation and invite them into ministry.  Trust Him to send you the right people.  Don’t be frustrated if you have to wait, instead take the time to prepare.


One of the reason we don’t find quality leaders is because we are afraid to ask.  I’m willing to bet you know of a few people who would be awesome, you are just afraid of hearing, “No.

It can be heart breaking; but, it’s worse not to ask.  The person you are thinking of could be a great mentor for a teenager.  And student ministry could be a place for this person to grow.  Don’t worry about the word, “No.” and remember to trust God.

Quality small groups happen when you get the right leaders.  Start taking action by putting yourself out there and meeting others.  You never know who you might meet and what lives you might change.

[reminder]  What’s the most difficult part about recruiting small group leaders? [/reminder]


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