
How To Avoid Burning Out

Youth ministry is a nonstop machine that continuously demands a lot. Parents want you to help them reach their kids, teens need someone to hear them and then there are all those duties assigned by the pastor.

It’s a lot of work, but it can be a lot of fun. The problem is when the fun runs out. Instead of being a joyful leader you find yourself longing for the grind to stop. The temptation is to blame others when the reality is that your:


You read the Bible and plan prayer services; however, you constantly feel empty. Those of us in ministry often buy into the lie that working in the church is also going to fulfill our personal faith needs.

While there are many benefits to our faith when it comes to working in the local church or ministry it will never replace what personal discipleship will do. Every leader needs to be investing in his or her faith. The more you grow, the further you can lead others.


Busyness is one of the biggest reasons we hit burnout. If you aren’t taking the time to rest and recharge it means you are will be running on empty.

Your weekly schedule is a tool to protect your margin. It should have times built in to step away from the desk and breathe. You should mark the best times to leave work, turn off the devices and get some rest. While you don’t have to follow it verbatim it’s a guide to get you back on track.


There is a lot to figure out when it comes to growing a youth ministry program. You need to know how to recruit leaders, find dynamic content and convince teenagers to come back each week.

The worst is when you’ve tried everything, at least all of your ideas. Sometimes you need to expand your network and that’s why I’ve created MYM HUDDLE.

The MYM HUDDLE is an opportunity to bring like minded leaders to tackle certain projects. We are in the process of wrapping up our first MYM HUDDLE which focused on Confirmation; however, we have a new one on the way. In our next MYM HUDDLE, we are tackling the subject of SMALL GROUPS.

I believe small groups is one of the most solid approaches to growing a ministry and deepening a teen’s faith at the same time. If you’ve ever been interested in implementing small groups or restructure the ones you are currently running this is for you.

On September 11th at noon EST I’ll be hosting a FREE Webinar to talk about the power of small groups and how the every healthy youth ministry needs them. To register for that webinar click the button below:

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But, maybe you don’t need a webinar and you want to just jump into the MYM HUDDLE. If you are ready to commit all you need to do is join the MYM Community below. I’ll send you more details and a special pre order deal.

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While small groups are important to a youth ministry so is tackling it with a community that wants the best for you. Surround yourself with other leaders so that you don’t feel alone.

[reminder] How do you work against burnout in ministry? [/reminder]


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