When I saw the puddle of water on the floor my heart sank. It had only been 3 months since I had fixed that shower valves in my bathroom when all of a sudden the leak was back again. I didn’t think, just went to the store and bought the parts that I replaced previously not thinking that it could be something else. After realizing it was something new I tried replacing and cleaning parts, I checked the flow of water and even prayed for God to magically fix it.
I called the plumber.
Whenever a problem arises there are three options we can take, but only one that is truly right. When a problem is discovered some of us:
Leaning into an issue isn’t the most attractive option; however, it slows you down to reflect on the scenario, and examine the best fix. I know I’ve been guilty of overreacting to a situation only causing more turmoil, and I’ve been guilty of ignoring a problem with the hopes of it going away. To lean in we need to make sure we surround ourselves with support and remind ourselves that God is right there with us, sitting in the tension.
What’s holding you back from leaning into a problem?