
How One Sticky Note A Day Keeps The Ministry Blues Away

Even after 14 years of youth ministry I get overwhelmed. The first signs is that my desk disappears under stacks of papers. Then it’s physical stress like a canker sore or a stiff back. If I’m not careful falling asleep becomes a struggle. And then I found a simple solution:


My stress was due to a lack of focus. While I’ve taken days away to reassess my schedule and researched technological tools to build margin it’s a simple sticky note that has helped me get back on track. I know this isn’t breaking news, but the reason a sticky note works is because it:

Condenses my to-do list. My list was too long. If I had ten items that needed to get done, but only got 5 accomplished I felt like a failure. Shorter list for higher success rate.

Makes my goals visible. Sticky note goes right on my laptop screen so I see it when I’m doing work. I can’t ignore it.

Creates a simple; yet, effective habit. I write out the note at the end of my day. It’s a chance to put closer on the day and then have a clear picture of what needs to be done tomorrow.

Again, it’s not mind blowing, but it could provide you the change you need to get out of that rut. So start simple with 3-4 items a day. Do it at the end of your day and place it somewhere visible. And if you need suggestions of what to write try:

Starting with a simple layup

There is nothing better than starting your day off with success. Think of one simple task that will only take you a few minutes and not lead to any distractions.

Usually this is a task that is administrative like submitting your receipts to the bookkeeper or printing out materials for an upcoming meeting. It should be one of those items you push off until later because they feel so simple.

Tackling a top priority

Usually the urgent interrupts the important. Whenever that ping or email pops up we feel like it has to be addressed immediately. Chances are it can wait. To keep the priority at the forefront of your mind put it on that sticky note (Maybe write it a little larger then the other tasks) and make sure it’s visible.

Unless it’s a complete emergency stick to what’s important because you are laying a foundation for a more solid future. Little distractions will sidetrack and delay what needs to get done. Remember what matters most will keep you moving and help you build momentum.

If you aren’t sure how to settle your priorities check out the Time Savers resource HERE

Embracing an act of gratitude

Gratitude is good for the heart. It not only tells people you appreciate them, but impacts your outlook on life. According to Harvard Health Publishing research was done to show how gratitude makes you happier (Read the article HERE) and who doesn’t want a happier work life?

Put on that sticky note:

  • Write a thank you card to volunteer
  • Call a parent to praise their teen
  • Take a coworker out for lunch

Keep it simple, but watch the impact it can have on your attitude and the people around you.

Give yourself three weeks before you decide whether or not it works for you. You might be reluctant, but what are you really sacrificing? A few minutes and a few dollars that could end up saving you hours and relieve you of stress. Pick up the sticky note and wash those ministry blues away.

What simple practices do you embrace to rid yourself of the ministry blues?

If you are looking for other ways of jumpstarting your ministry and creating more margin, check out my free webinar Jump Start Your Ministry This Fall by clicking the button below:

Jump Start Your Ministry Today

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