MYM Blog

How Not To Be A Dipstick

Written by Christopher Wesley | Oct 28, 2009 5:48:00 PM

I took my car in for an oil change, at one of those 15 minute places this morning because my oil light was doing something funky and my dipstick said the oil was low. I was told by the people there that I have a leak in my oil pan gasket and transmission pan gasket. Immediately all that went through my head is, there goes the budget and trying to pay for things in cash, going to have to dip into my emergency fund, savings are ruined, here we go again, etc. Basically what I was doing was allowing fear to take over and not allow God to guide me in the right steps.
So after doing some research and talking to some friends I came upon these options:

  1. To fix the problem myself is possible and would not be as pricey.
  2. I have friends who are learned in cars who would be willing to help.

I also learned that some of these 15 minute oil change drive thrus aren’t reliable in diagnosing your car, my friends gave me some steps before I begin to look at worst case scenario.
The scary thing about doing a stewardship series and really going on bored is that the evil one is going to try and trick you out of trusting and relying on God. When faced with a difficult or a panic stricken situation it’s best to just take a moment, pray and ask God for guidance. He’s going to take care of you because He wants to take care of you. With the students we want them to be a generation that changes and going to God first instead of our fears will allow us to handle even the worst of situations.