MYM Blog

How do you know?

Written by Christopher Wesley | Mar 18, 2009 1:40:00 PM

The next two weekends we are going to be focusing on the more positive side of this series. The first four weeks has been about how the thief (John 10:10) has been attacking us, in the next two weeks it’s about how God frees us from the trap of sin. This has definitely been a rewarding series for me, I usually get something out of each teaching series for students, but this one has been life changing.
I know the devil has thrown a lot of chaos my way these last couple of weeks, but I know in the end God will take care of everything. And you may ask, “Chris, how do you know?” and to tell you the truth it’s something I have to remind myself of everyday. If I don’t remind myself, if I don’t spend time with the Lord, if I don’t armor myself with scripture then I forget, doubt, stumble and fall. We need to remember that a relationship with the Lord is a daily commitment, to remain with Christ is a constant thing we need to work towards or else we fall away.