GUEST POST: Tips On How To Be Productive From Home

I used to work in a corporate office and would long for the days when I could work from home. It seemed like the perfect setting for me to feel comfortable and get my work done. I would be ready to leave my home, kiss my husband goodbye and look at my dog who was all nestled up on her bed without a care in the world. I couldn’t believe I was admitting to myself that I was actually jealous of my dog. Then off I went on my hour-long commute to work.

For some, the idea of working from home seems like a dream come true. You can say goodbye to the long commute, the uncomfortable work attire, the professional demeanor which must always be turned on, etc. You think, “Wow! I can finally enjoy the comfort of my own home”. 

Then, COVID-19 happened. Your dream has come true! You can finally experience what it means to work from the comfort of your own home. Then, reality sets in. You realize that it is not as easy to work from home as you once thought. Everyone is home at the same time! Yikes. Distractions are by the boatload and the lack of ambition turns into a very real thing.

What to do? Work still needs to get done, right? First off, I must mention that these are unprecedented times and it is alright to cut yourself some slack. Everyone is simply doing the best they can. It is not going to be the same as when you’re at the office and that is ok. With that being said, after much trial and error, here are some tips that I would like to share that helped me find a balance:


This will give you time to wake up, shower, have your coffee and give you some time to get yourself together before sitting in front of a computer. 


Yes, sweatpants are awesome. Nobody can deny that. However, after wearing pajamas or sweatpants for some time, I felt a “blah” feeling. I don’t know how to word it any other way. I needed to switch it up a bit. I decided that from now on, I would put on clothes that I would wear for a “business casual” day at the office (aka jeans). It actually helped to get me into work-mode.


If you are lucky enough to have a home office, that is wonderful. If not, set up a shop somewhere in your house, daily. This is where you’ll need to exercise patience because it will not be a perfect setup. And remember, that’s ok! Prior to having our home office ready for use, my “office” used to be my dining room table. Leaving everything on the table at the end of the workday was not good for my anxiety. Once the workday is over, clean everything up.


Make sure you monitor the amount of time you spend working. Yes, your boss might love the idea of you putting in extra hours but make sure it is done within reason. I am a huge advocate for a work-life/home life balance. If your normal hours are 8-5 pm, try your best to stick to the 8-5 pm. Don’t set unrealistic or new work schedule expectations for yourself and set yourself up for failure. 


I am a runner, so taking a lunch break to go out for an hour run is my therapy. I highly recommend taking a break to get outside (weather permitting) and go for a walk, jog, run, etc. Take the kids! Take the dog! If the weather is not cooperating, find a spot to do a few pushups, sit-ups, full-body stretches, etc. I also find solitude in breathing exercises and yoga. After taking a break, whether it be a run or some yoga, I find myself refreshed and recharged and ready to complete the second half of my day. 

In totality, routine and structure are what worked best for me. I have come to realize that I am a creature of habit and having some sort of structure is how I thrive. It may not work for all, but I’d ask you to give it a try. You may be surprised at the result.

How are you being productive working from home?

Need additional support? We’re now offering Free membership to those who cannot afford it during the COVID-19 pandemic. To learn more click HEREThis is a guest post from our administrative assistant Elisa. She is a part of a virtual assistant agency Time Etc. and assists us with customer service and other duties. We asked her to share a little bit of her transition into telecommuting. You can reach her by emailing us at

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