big vision

Growing Your Ministry: Less is More

I often tell myself that to do more for the people around me, I must go big. Bigger events, larger programs, more offerings—this becomes my mantra until I hit a wall of exhaustion, feeling nothing but defeat. This is a reminder to me that doing more actually means focusing on doing less but in a more impactful way.

Scaling your efforts to have a larger impact on your mission field without succumbing to burnout necessitates a combination of VISION, TRUST, and MENTORING:

VISION communicates to your congregation, ministry, or small group not only where you are headed but also what God envisions for you. As the prophet Habakkuk wisely instructs:

Write down the vision;
Make it plain upon tablets,
so that the one who reads it may run.
For the vision is a witness for the appointed time,
a testimony to the end; it will not disappoint.
If it delays, wait for it,
it will surely come, it will not be late. - Habakkuk 2:2-3

Clarify your vision and share it widely, especially with those who will carry it forward. Patience is key, trusting in God's timing. Parishes that grasp this concept can sustain and share their faith across generations.

TRUST enables people to invest in the vision you present. Will you remain honest during challenging times? Can you be transparent about the ministry's needs? Will you step up as a leader when needed? For people to fully buy into the vision, they need to know they can rely on you. Any hint of doubt can let suspicion seep in, undermining any strategy you've developed. Build trust by being vulnerable, listening intently, and speaking truth into the lives of those around you.

MENTORING allows you to share the burden and ownership of the ministry, reminding you that you're a steward of God's creation. It encourages you to systematically examine your habits and behaviors. Through mentoring, you demonstrate your knowledge and empower others to use their God-given talents in service of the vision. The more you mentor, the more leaders you prepare for God's work.

It's perfectly natural to aspire to grow your ministry and make a significant impact. However, remember it's not feasible—or wise—to do so alone or with a plan understood only by you. By casting the vision, building trust, and mentoring others, we exponentially increase our capacity to spread the Good News.


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