Got Ministers?

We are a week and some days away from Ministry Weekend here at Nativity and I thought I would share some thoughts about what we are looking for in each area of Youth Ministry. Over the next couple of days, I’m going to put up some of the job descriptions of the various ministries we have through youth. Hopefully this will give people a better idea of what we are all about.

More high school students who want to lead a small group of 5th and 6th graders. (ratio of 1 high schooler to every 4 tweens)
More adult men who want to work with the talented women we have coordinating the high school leaders.

Build up our adult to student ratio from 1/10 to 1/5 (Resurrection) and 1/8 to 1/4 (Uprising)
Enough ministers to put together a schedule and rotation avoiding future burnout.
More young adults (18-30), empty nesters and senior citizens in youth ministry (It doesn’t matter how old you are they will like you, if you like them)

Small Groups (Middle School/High School)
Recruit enough ministers to be able to keep groups to 6-8 students.
Again More young adults (18-30), empty nesters and senior citizens in youth ministry

Confirmation (High School)
More men and women to help us expand our one on one mentoring with students. Right now we have one mentor who has a clientele of 4 students (I have 9), I would like it so we can have 3 students per mentor.

Be sure to sign up for a ministry the weekend of March 28th/29th.

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