Going Public

Yesterday I had my one on one meeting with Father White and we were discussing our Sunday review meeting where we analyzed one of the Mass’ from the weekend. And during the discussion the topic of my podcast came up because I asked that he listen to it, to let me know how my speaking has improved. Once he saw that it was on itunes he was all about me making it a part of my announcements (or as we call it schtick) on Sundays. I want people to listen to the podcast, I have posted on this blog, but I guess the whole idea of inviting people to listen to an audio version of me is kind of intimidating. I guess it’s because I’m speaking and have no control over changing or explaining what I say based on their reactions. That means, more accountability on me speaking truth and being clear, but more importantly me relying more on the Holy Spirit to give me God’s word…argh stressful…but important.

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