Right now I’m working on our new parents page and students page. One saying we’ve adopted at Nativity is, “You are your website.” And right now it couldn’t be a anymore true. The parent’s website is junky, right now I feel like the relationship I’ve had with parents this year has been a little junky. The student’s page is a little vague, and I haven’t been too clear with students in the past. So, this is what we’ve done.
The parent’s page is going to look like our main site. We are going to have basic information on the programs and then a section where they can read about any updates that may occur as time goes on. If they want to listen to messages, or find a calendar we will provide that as well…just not at this moment, right now it’s about getting the basic information.
The student’s page is going to be our Upward Ministries Facebook page. More students (high school and middle school) are using it, it’s easy to upload videos, photos, allow them to interact, it’s one of the best ways to contact students, and it allows other ministers (whom I appoint) to manage and connect with students.
None of this is rocket science, it’s just about better connecting parents to what we are doing and students to what we want them to do.