MYM Blog

Getting Started Again

Written by Christopher Wesley | Jan 4, 2010 2:43:00 PM

Happy New Year again to all. I made a commitment to myself not to work over the last 10 days. I know I posted a few things here and there, but I wanted to take time to be with family. Over the break I reflected on some of the things I want to do with the new year. Not sure if they will all happen but it’s important to have goals. Anyway, take a look, let me know what you think:

  1. Have the ministry team know the vision for student ministry (Authentic. Consistent. Irresistible Ministry)
  2. Pick a Point Person for Ascent (right now it’s just a great team)
  3. Develop a student leadership team.
  4. Write out job descriptions for people I might one day higher.
  5. Have leaders (including myself) more present outside the church building and attending student’s events (i.e. sports events, concerts)
  6. Replace myself in these areas:
  • Speaking (only some of the time)
  • Coordinating HABITS (Confirmation program)