I’m stumped. I’m looking at what I need to keep doing and what I need to stop doing in order to narrow the focus and do fewer things to make a greater impact…and I’m stumped. I’m stumped because I can’t figure out the emotional attachments vs. what is essential for the student ministry. Sometimes fear is what prevents us from making the right decisions. Those fears may be caused by:
The unknown scares us simply because when we don’t know we don’t necessarily have control. Not being in control is scary…unless you trust God, because God will never let us down. The negative reactions from others is a fear because no one likes being rejected but when we change something we sometimes say good bye to people we grew to know. Sometimes change is to difficult for people to embrace and sometimes change means changing the relationships you have with others. If the change leads to some type of negative reaction then we tend not to look forward to our decisions. Failure is a fear because it somehow means we lost value in our self perception. But sometimes we need to fail in order to appreciate the real thing or learn something we wouldn’t have seen before.
So I have to look at these lists of what I do and decide, am I just afraid to stop doing something or is it necessary to keep.