Future Plans

I had lunch with Mark Pacione a good friend and a great mentor. I think the Arch Diocese is blessed to have him on staff. It’s not the first time we have had food and fellowship; however, it was the first time where our conversation just flowed, there were no hidden agendas, just a chance to share life, ministry, food and God. But, the thing that was great about this lunch was a question Mark presented. He asked, “What are your plans for the future?” Now, I know this is a common, broad, vague question and in no means did it come off condescending, but what it caused me to do was look ahead at this year and the upcoming years. My plans, where I see myself in the future is in local church ministry; however, I want to be a resource, a place for other youth workers to feel supported, loved and connected. I want Nativity’s ministry to be a place where students are being guided through steps and not programs. I see myself defining more of what we do, why we do it and how we do it, not because it’s the right way or only way, but because it’s the way God is asking us to do ministry.

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