Future Church Workers

This week is Spring Break for the public schools, so it’s nice to come into work to see student hanging out.  Well, they aren’t really hanging out, the students who are here are here because they are getting ready for out Good Friday Worship RISE (7pm in the Theater).  Regardless of why they are here it’s good to have them around.  I want to create an atmosphere where students feel comfortable walking in the door to either see the staff or to work on a ministry in which they are currently involved.  I know I’ve been talking to students who want to work here, either as a part time job or an internship.  We currently do not make that available to high school students for a variety of reasons, but we do want to encourage them to consider a career in church ministry.
And I want to go beyond the usual roles of church ministry (children’s Director, Youth Minister, etc.), I want them to see that there is a variety of roles that the church can have.  If they are interested in business, tech, management, web design, all of those fields can be used in a church setting.  I want the students to know it’s not just about being a priest or a dorky youth minister (which I’m not), church ministry is about reaching out to the community in the name of Jesus Christ through a local organization we like to call the local church. 
I know there aren’t a lot of universities that offer a degree in church ministry, but I want to encourage students to think outside the box when it comes to how they can serve Christ in the future.

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