I was about to leave for work this morning when I noticed my son had drooled all over my shirt, thankfully being a youth minister all I had to do was find another t-shirt to wear…I’m fortunate that my job doesn’t require a suit and tie or this would have been more of a headache. But the drool incident still slowed me down on my way to work.
But, I’m not going to complain because this is a part of life, life change is going to happen whether or not you are ready for it. Seasons change, weather changes, work, school, our bodies, everything changes…well, except for the work schedule I have hanging in my office.
I know I’ve talked about this subject before, and when I created my schedule it was very helpful; however, what happened is a series of changes that now makes my schedule slightly irrelevant. What I didn’t do with my schedule is schedule in a time to work on adapting it to some of the changes going on in my life. For example:
My life has changed in so many simple and complex ways. I’m reluctant to work on my schedule; however, I know it’s important because with no schedule I have no path or direction. This time around what I need to do is:
What do you need to do to give your schedule direction?