Don’t Forget Youth Ministry Is Fun

I’m happy to say there have only been a few moments in my youth ministry tenure where I’ve thought, “This is no longer fun.”  It was during those times that I contemplated leaving ministry and looking for something else.  What I was experiencing was burn out.  I was caught in the politics and grind of youth ministry.  In the end I just needed to breathe.

Youth ministry is messy because it deals with lives, politics and can be a grind.  Youth ministry is a marathon because of the challenge each day brings to the table.  Youth ministry can be a life consuming endeavor, however, it’s also needs to contain fun.  If you find that youth ministry has lost it’s fun be sure to:

  • Take A Step Back: Chances are you are too far in the trenches and you need a little rest and restoration.  Take a day off from doing ministry and do something that fuels you.  Whenever I need a step back I take a day to go hike, work in my yard or just go for a run.  Get out of the trenches to fuel yourself even if it’s just for a day.
  • Be Personal With Those Around You: If you enjoy who you work and serve with you’ll enjoy what you do.  If you find tension and resentment building towards coworkers or volunteers lean into it.  Invite them over for a night of fun.  Plan a day where you can all go out grow in fellowship.  If you do not enjoy the people you work and serve with it can suck the fun out of your job quickly.
  • Take A Step Back Into The Trenches: As you grow in youth ministry it’s easy to delegate yourself out of the fun of youth ministry.  As an administrator or leader you can forget the joy of sitting face to face with a teen.  You forget what it’s like to get a whip cream pie in the face.  Don’t lose sight of the simplicity that basic youth ministry can bring.
  • Surround Yourself With Humor: From time to time I’ll show my team a stand up comedy routine or give them a silly joke. It’s important to laugh because it can take down your guards.  When you are putting up walls you become defensive which will lead to a ministry full of suspicion and reluctance.  Break down barriers by learning how to laugh.

Fun is essential to a healthy leader and youth ministry.  If you cannot have fun together then you’ll find the seriousness and the drama of you ministry tear you apart.  Build it in and keep smiling so that you can keep moving forward.

How do you have fun in your ministry?

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