Does The Perfect Youth Ministry Model Exist?

I spent over a decade putting together a dynamic ministry. When I left it still wasn’t perfect. In fact one of the reasons I moved on was because I couldn’t figure out how to take it to the next level.

When I started at my next parish the big question I got was, “Are you going to do what you did at your last parish here?” I responded:

“I coudn’t even if I wanted to.”

While the two parishes are only two miles apart, there were too many differences. Plus, what I started over 10 years earlier had to adapt over time because life is constantly changing around us.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think there is one perfect ministry model out there. I know some people argue:

  • More small groups
  • Better large group experiences
  • We need to ask parents to step up
  • The church needs to be more in the community

And there is validity to all of those stances. In fact, they are all components of a healthy ministry, but the truth is what works for you won’t work for me. So, is there a perfect model?

Actually, I do and before you say, “Wait Chris, I thought you just said you didn’t?!” hear me out. I believe there is a perfect model for your parish, but what it looks like depends on how well you:


Attitude is everything. Yes, you might not have everything you need, but if you only focus on what you don’t have you’ll never get anywhere. A great leader knows their limits, seeks out the opportunities and is willing to use what they have.

As a leader make a list of what you already have, give it to God and thank Him for it. When you hit an obstacle ask yourself the question, “How can we work with this?” Embrace a positive outlook so that you can maximize the opportunities that lie in front of you.

The perfect program doesn’t come in a box, but boxed content can help you create the perfect program. Knowing how to outsource material and content from different organizations is key. That means looking for content that’s adaptable and flexible to your paradigm. By taking advantage of outsourcing you can maximize your capacity to invest in leaders.


The key to building a healthier ministry is based on the amount of time you are willing to invest in others. If you want to reach more people, embark on more adventures and go deeper in your faith you need to build your team.

Your budget and schedule will tell you how much you value others. Take people out for coffee and get to know them. Invest in training your volunteers to make them leaders.

When people see that you care about them, they’ll not only return the favor but pay it forward. Don’t lose sight of the fact that your ministry is about sharing God’s Love and Truth with others.


It’s easy to build a ministry on our own preferences. The problem is that it only serves one person. Your ministry is designed to reach a specific audience. It might be teens, it might be parents, it might be church people who need a shakeup or unchurched people who need God’s love.

Get to know your audience by spending time in the community. Ask them questions about their lives, invest in them personally and get to know the biggest challenge that’s holding them back from God.


There is a perfect ministry model for your church, but it’s not permanent. Eventually, it will lose it’s effectiveness and that’s because the world around us is changing.

The people involved in our ministries change; therefore, we have to be ready to move forward. You move forward by setting goals, measuring progress and most importantly listening to God.

Let Him lead your ministry and remember He’s in control. Before you invest in a canned curriculum, or boxed resource get to know your ministry. Look at your audience, what you have and who is involved.

It might get a little messy, but it will help bring people closer to Christ and what could be more perfect?

What models have you used before and found success?

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