
Does Having A Graduate Degree In Ministry Matter?

When people ask me about my educational background, I hesitate before responding. I don’t have reason to, I went to a great high school and a fantastic college, but I tend to worry whether my answer will devalue the 15 years of professional ministry under my belt. A bachelors in communications electronic media with a minor in English doesn’t say, “CHURCH MINISTRY GURU”.

I would love to say it’s all in my head, but I know that I don’t always have the vocabulary to be a part of certain conversations. I also know that there are people who do value certain degrees and therefore will take me less seriously because I do not have one. It might seem unfair, but it’s a reality. At the same time, I can’t accuse them of being narrow-minded because if I believe that I don’t need a graduate degree to get to a new level then I’m forgetting that:


If I tell myself that I don’t need further education, then I’m shortchanging myself because leaders are learners. If you want to stay ahead of trends and solve the problems you need to expand your knowledge. The moment that I say, “I don’t have time or the energy to advance my education or knowledge.” is the day I’ve decided to stop leading, or it’s because I am stuck in my pride.

Even if you have your degree you still need to find ways to grow even if it’s reading a book, attending a webinar (Sign up for my next one HERE) or signing up for a workshop. Leaders are learners because they know that they need to build to help others do the same.


If you don’t surround yourself with people who will challenge and inspire you, then you will limit your capacity to see the vision that God has given your ministry. Whether you are learning from a professor or sitting in a cohort, you need men and women who are going to challenge your ideas and inspire you with their own.

It can be difficult because it means letting go of some pride and admitting to not knowing everything. As Proverbs says, “Iron is sharpened by iron, one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17) Even if you don’t agree with their ideas, it’ll challenge you to look at you differently.

While I do believe getting a graduate degree in theology, church ministries or something similar would be of value, I know my ministry’s success isn’t defined by it. The best leaders aren’t always the most educated ones, while knowledge does help what does matters is:


God is going to use you no matter what degree you do or do not have. While education is important the relationship, you have with your creator matters more. That means sharpening your spiritual habits so that you can focus on where God is calling you to lead.


To do your job well, you need to love your coworkers, volunteers, the teens, and even parents. It might not be easy, but that love is going to help you share the Gospel effectively. It’s going to enable you to help others because loving others means listening to their stories and affirming them in their abilities. You’ll become a leader worth following because you are showing them God’s, unconditional love.


You can’t grow a fruitful ministry if you burn yourself out. At the same time, you can’t build a fruitful ministry if you allow your fears to hold you back. The best leaders I know understand when they have to push themselves and when they need to step back. It’s not a natural balance to find, but it allows them to do the things God has called them to do.

If you are feeling limited, then consider further education, but remember it’s not the silver bullet that will fix all your ministry woes. Be sure to invest in yourself, make your professional and educational development a priority so that you can continue to grow disciples.

What educational experience has benefitted your ministry the most?

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