Do You Love Where You Work?

Do you love the church that employs you?  It might seem like an odd question; however, it’s an important one to answer.  It’s a question that rarely gets asked, but essential to answer.

To love your church isn’t always easy.  There are going to be times when you fight with coworkers, and get overwhelmed by members.  Working in a church isn’t always easy, but you have to love it or else you will not last.  So, do you love your church?  If the answer is yes then you are:


You have people in your life that you love.  Some of those people do not know Christ.  Are you inviting them to your church?  If you love your church then you believe it’s where lives can be changed.

Find times to talk about the work your church is doing.  Point out how it’s made an impact on your life personally and be open with your experience.  The more you share what’s going on, the more it shows that you love the place you work.


Worshipping in another church is like owning a restaurant and never eating in it.  When you worship where you work it shows others that you buy into the vision and leadership.

Yes, it can be difficult to worship where you work because of distractions, but the fruit your presence will bare is priceless.  You will serve as an example to the teens you mentor.  It’s also the best time to recruit and advocate for your ministry.


Your ministry is not an island.  In order for it to succeed you need the rest of the organization to do well.  To make that happen you need to spend time making sure your coworkers are set up for success.

Do not be afraid to ask people, “How can I serve you?” Learn more about their ministry, get to know their family and be on the lookout for ways of encouraging them.  When you invest in others you will find that your ministry will be blessed in return.


It might seem odd to give to the place that pays you, but it’s essential.  Your tithe to the church is a sign of trust.  You are trusting that God is leading your pastor and blessing your church.  By investing in your church financially you are saying, “The future of this church matters.”

Again, it’s not always easy.  In fact if you find it’s just too hard to love the place you work then you might want to discern whether or not you are in the right place.  If you are unsure then talk to someone about it.  Loving the church that employs you is like any relationship, you need to work at it.

[reminder]  Do you agree with these four signs?  Would you add or subtract any? [/reminder]



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