MYM Blog

Conan Keeping You Up?

Written by Christopher Wesley | Feb 20, 2009 3:18:00 PM

Only one more night of Conan O’Brien Late Night until he moves to the Tonight Show. I don’t sit up and watch it every night, but usually Thursdays and Fridays. For me Thursday nights are my Friday nights, because my weekend is Friday Saturday, not the usual Saturday Sunday. Some people ask me how I feel about that and really the only major downside is just having one weekend day with my wife. But it’s nice to be able to sleep in and not hit any crowds at the grocery stores or the banks. I’m finding one of my favorite things to do on the weekend is cook and run. As tiring as those things are I find that they give me the most energy, they actually pump me up and that’s because those are two things that I use to spend time with God.
These days are important to me because it helps me just rejuvenate, spend time with the Lord, it serves as a Sabbath. I think after a long week there is the temptation just to turn on the television, surf the net, do even some more work or make ourselves even busier. But God gave us a day to rest and I tend on doing that by spending more time with Him.