This past Thursday we closed out our Church at Chipotle experiment. An idea that originated due to aliteration but turned out to be pretty fulfilling. Over the last 6 weeks four of our small group leaders lead a prayerful bible study (Lectio Divina) with a group of students that ranged from 4 – 10 teenagers. There was no sign-up, students just showed up to eat a burrito and talk about the Bible. Some had bibles, some didn’t, sometimes the scripture provoked deep discussion, sometimes it was the burrito. But now that this experiment has come to an end their is much to digest. A lot on my mind, here’s some of the positive:
After the evening was done my mind was racing, my heart was filled with joy, there is so much more to process, which I hope to share with you all. Sometimes as youth pastors we need to search and seek out the simple things to do with students, because when you can do that you can really see how God is working.