MYM Blog

Change Things Up: What to ask yourself before you change

Written by Christopher Wesley | Dec 12, 2010 1:59:00 PM

With a New Year on the horizon, it’s time to think about New Years Resolutions, which means changing something in our lives.  That means changing a habit, a behavior or maybe even a tradition, regardless there is this feeling that something needs to change.  Sometimes change is good and sometimes it’s not necessary.  In ministry we change things up when programs are running stale, when results aren’t as expected, there can be a desire in us to change things up.  When we feel that change is necessary it’s important to ask the question “How should we change?” because answering that question will help us determine:

  • Why Should We Change?” – Often times we change because of frustration, or because something isn’t working.  Which, can be reason to change but also reason not too.  One thing we need to exercise in time is patience, sometimes we want to change because we are too impatient for the results.
  • “What To Change?” – I’ve been guilty of the all or nothing.  Knock it all down and start from scratch.  When we look at how we need to change, it’s really answering what exactly needs the refocus.  Sometimes the change is a small thing that can be done in a minute, other times it’s a series of events, people or programs that need to be connected.
  • “When Do We Change?” – Sometimes change is needed, it’s just not the right time.  Also sometimes change needs to be communicated to leadership before it’s announced to the congregation.  Change needs a timetable or else you may overwork your crew.

Change can’t always be drastic, that’s why it’s important to check your heart, devise a plan and make sure you aren’t going solo if the change is big.  Change can be something that moves us towards success, but it can also be our downfall.  With too much change you lose traction and with no traction you can’t get anywhere.  So before you change, ask yourself, “How should I change?”
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